Tuesday, June 18, 2013

BBA "The Chase" Update: Biguesas And Neyll Of Angola Evicted

It was a double blow for Angola yesterday when Biguesas and Neyll were both evicted at the third nomination show. Biguesas' exit wouldn’t have much effect on the show, only Natasha would need a new companion. On the other hand it was a surprise that Africa voted Neyll out.

The six evicted Chasers so far are Uganda’s Denzel and LK4, Angola’s Biguesas and Neyll, Kenya’s Huddah and South Africa’s Koketso.
See how Africa voted below:

Angola: Neyll 
Botswana: Pokella 
Ghana: Pokello 
Kenya: Annabel
Ethiopia: Annabel 
Malawi: Natasha 
Namibia: Pokello 
Nigeria: Pokello 
South Africa: Pokello 
Sierra Leone: Pokello
Tanzania: Annabel
Uganda: Annabel
Zambia: Natasha
Zimbabwe: Pokello
Rest of Africa: Pokello 
Total: Pokello = 8; Annabel = 4; Natasha =2, Neyll = 1, Biguesas = 0. (Total: 15 Votes)

Good bye Angola.

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