Thursday, August 29, 2013

Tyranny:North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un Executes Ex Girl Friend, Others For Making Sex Tape

Executed: Hyon Song-wol, right, has apparently been put to death by her ex-boyfriend Kim Jong Un, left
Executed: Hyon Song-wol, right, has apparently been put to death by her ex-boyfriend Kim Jong Un, left
North Korea's tyrant Kim Jong Un is rumoured to have executed his former mistress after she made a sex tape with a number of her fellow entertainers.
A South Korean newspaper published claims that the secretive leader had handed out the death penalty to a dozen musicians from a leading orchestra.
On August 8th, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un was in the audience to applaud his ex-girlfriend Hyon Song- wol (right), a singer with the Unhasu National Orchestra. 9 days later a group of artists were arrested for allegedly making a sex tape. His ex was one of them. They were publicly executed by firing squad on August 20th, while their families were condemned to a labor camp.

From Asia News

The North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un ordered the public execution of his ex-girlfriend Hyon Song- wol, accused of 'pornography' with a group of artists from the National Orchestra of Unhasu, which his current wife Ri Sol -ju also once belonged to. The arrest took place on August 17, the execution took place in public three days later. According to the indictment the women filmed themselves having sex and then sold the videos in China. Some South Korean sources claim that there were many Christians among those sentenced to death who had a Bible at home, a "crime" that you can pay for with your life or imprisonment in a state gulag in North Korea.
Those shot to death include Mun Kyong -jin, director of the Unhasu orchestra, some singers and dancers of Wangjaesan Light Music Band and some army musicians. All family members of the women involved were sentenced to forced labor. According to the Juche ( the delusional state doctrine conceived by the " father of the nation " Kim Il -sung ) is not enough to punish those guilty of a crime, but it is necessary to eradicate the evil " for three generations . " Every year, on the basis of this principle, thousands of children are born in labor camps and live there until their death.

The "Young Marshal " Kim Jong-un , the third son and heir of the "dear leader" Kim Jong -il, met Hyon about ten years ago . After a brief "official" relationship, the engagement was broken by the father of the dictator and the singer was given in marriage to a military man, while the "third Kim " met ​​his present wife . According to various sources, the two have continued to see each other even after their marriages. The public execution is thus seen as a victory of the "Companion" Ri, who gave two sons to the current dictator and wants to ensure their survival in one of the most cruel dynasties in today's world.

On 8 August, the dictator took part in a concert performed by the now decimated orchestra. The execution is viewed by some analysts as a sign of affirmation of his power: " Kim Jong-un is cruelly eliminating anyone who might be a threat to his rule, anyone who can defy authority. Public executions are silencing anyone who even thinks of undermining him . "
One of the victims was allegedly Hyon Song-wol, a popular singer who is believed to have known Kim as a teenager and to have embarked on an affair with him after his rise to power.
Those executed were apparently accused of filming themselves having sex and selling the videos in China and North Korea.

In addition, they were said to have been convicted of possessing copies of the Bible - a grave crime in the strictly atheist state.
The claims were published by Chosun Ilbo, one of South Korea's most popular newspapers.
The paper claimed that Ms Hyon was killed alongside Mun Kyong-jin, leader of the Unhasu Orchestra, and a number of other musicians.
They were apparently arrested on August 17, and executed by firing squad in public three days later.
 A source in China told Chosun Ilbo: 'They were executed with machine guns while the key members of the Unhasu Orchestra, Wangjaesan Light Band and Moranbong Band as well as the families of the victims looked on.'
Relatives of those killed have been sent to prison camps due to their 'guilt by association', the paper added.
Hyon and Kim were apparently close during adolescence, but were ordered to break off their relationship by the boy's father, Kim Jong Il.
The singer rose to fame in North Korea with the pro-regime song A Girl in the Saddle of a Steed, often known in the West as 'Excellent Horse-Faced Lady'.
Kim Jung Un is noted for his brutal, tyrannic ways, with many unpleasant reports of his reign of terror continuously being reported in the news.

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